Nordic Warriors Boxing Academy
Fight the Good Fight
Fight the Good Fight
We Are Warriors.
And so are you
And so are you
We're here to show you how.
At Nordic Warriors Boxing Academy, we aim towards bettering the community of Alexandria and it's surrounding areas through a sport that teaches life's most important values, such as discipline, hard work, and fellowship. We are a family at NWBA, and we work together in a positive and fun setting to better our lives in numerous ways.
At Nordic Warriors Boxing Academy, we aim towards bettering the community of Alexandria and it's surrounding areas through a sport that teaches life's most important values, such as discipline, hard work, and fellowship. We are a family at NWBA, and we work together in a positive and fun setting to better our lives in numerous ways.
Nordic Warriors Boxing Academy | Premier Boxing Gym in Alexandria, MN
A Program For Everyone.
Including you.
Including you.
We are a USA Boxing Certified Gym.
We are a USA Boxing Certified Gym.
No time like the present.
a warrior
a warrior
Joining is easy
we are here to guide you.
-Schedule a Private Lesson.
-Schedule a Private Lesson.
$30/hour for Members
$40/hour for Non-Members
-Participate in class.
Schedule 30 minutes before class and participate. $10 to drop in.
"Your body can stand
almost anything.
almost anything.
it's your mind you have to convince."
-Author Unknown